News Aggregator
It is essential to display content relevant to your audience. Our News Aggregator pools news stories and published information, but gives power to you in filtering the content the way you like, filtering the keywords you want or don’t want, choosing the content you want and re-skinning sponsored news for you to use.
Our Approach
Our news aggregator is ready made and available upon bespoke requests. We’ve made it so you have full control at all times.
How do we want to sell it?
How do they get it?
How do we productise it?
Case Studies
We’ve worked with retail clients where screen space is displayed in shopping centres and areas of high foot traffic for all ages. This includes young, impressionable kids. Our news aggregator regulates and filters all information based on their needs.
Why switch to dynamic content?
Superior Customer Engagement
Enhanced Customer Screen Retention
Relevant, Up to Date Information